Robert Reich’s Stupidity (and that of a few others)

I honestly did not view the entire video posted by some business news organization today where Robert Reich claims the problem in America is that we one percent earn too much.  Robert does not list his major in his bio where he earned an A.B. from Dartmouth.  Robert did attend Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar where he studied “Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.”  In other words, Robert earned a political degree in economics and not a technical degree like one Ben Bernanke.

This makes perfect sense because Robert is so stupid he doesn’t understand the money supply and wealth creation.  He think the money supply is a big fixed bank vault of money where if the wealthy earn less, everyone else will have more.  If I earn less “Stupid” (Hear me Robert), that doesn’t mean I’m going to triple my employees salary.

Of course that’s no big surprise, as Robert Reich is a Leftist Socialist who thinks the sole purpose of “producers” is to hand folks like him, a “looters”, cash to be passed along to “moochers, ” i.e. those sorry ass liberals and socialist who voted for one Bill Clinton and Barack ObamaLamaDingDong.

I’ve posted a chart circa 2007 showing the distribution of wealth in America.  This chart attempts to represent aggregate value of assets.  Although the M3 Money Supply is embedded in this chart, it is only a portion of it.

What Robert Reich truly desires to see is income redistribution.  He wants his ilk, the looters, to tax the hell out of wealthy individuals and pass this along to those who vote for idiots like his boss Clinton and the Saint of All Poor, Barack ObamaLamaDingDong.  That however is fake within itself.

Who says I have to have income?  While I may personally hold assets in the billions ($), who says I have income and who says I have great gobs of dollars (or some other currency that is not part of that M3 Money Supply)  sitting around in those things that build the money supply.

The truth stated above is always why Democrats and Liberals have set tax policies as they have.  They realize there is little to tax when the wealthy “reconfigure” for preservation of assets during these binge tax and spend periods.  What has supplanted this is the last few decades, a practice that even George Bush loved — who I declared a Fiscal Liberal, is perpetual borrowing and expansion of the money supply where the Federal Reserve buys debt issued by the Treasury.  How do individuals and corporations with assets such as I respond?  (Our interface to the global economy being the “exchange medium” known as currency or cash) we re-priced assets to be exchanged such as oil, per million BTUs by the way, so that diesel sells per gallon more than gasoline because of diesel’s higher energy density in BTUs. 

We are going to give you a plaid lunchbox and new bow-tie Robert, send you off to the rigid world where true economic theory is generated, and allow you to take off your diaper (what a concept for an adult) so you can decide whether you and like minds wish to continue to piss on yourselves.

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