As America Descends

I would not venture to say how the data displayed below was accumulated and analyzed.  I can only say that from my travel and global business operation and contacts the ranking matches my experience.  The data:


 The table of course attempts to represent the “economic” freedom between citizens of various countries.  What it does not do is compare how much money a citizen of one country has in comparison to a citizen of another country.  Most Americans (and Americans typically have very poor economic skills) seem to think economic freedom means equality in income.

Economic freedom is more accurately views as “equal opportunity.”  Think of the function of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  Its’ purpose is to ensure that all persons of the same “ability” are treated equally in employment, housing, investment opportunities, etc.  (The two most visible exceptions in American society where “equal opportunity” is not practiced is in Affirmative Action programs and…. guess what… finance.  As a finance example, via executive order Barack Obama is allowing those who have previously not paid their debts, e.g. low credit score, to obtain new mortgages guaranteed by we 53% who pay taxes,.)

As American continues to descend in the next few decades the rank will fall.  In the first salvo, Democrats (Socialist and Communist) will be at zapping producers with higher taxes and furthering their economic freedom to earn and use their capital as they see fit.

Communism comes quickly folks.


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